Music, Business and Peace

Music can certainly help to unite groups of people whether based on religion, genre/band preference, nationality (national anthems) and promote peace within these groups but at the same time this unification/ peace building within the group serves to ostracize individuals that are not a part of this. In international sporting events national anthems can unify a country based on traditions and history. People from all social and economic backgrounds stand as one in support of a common cause even if it only lasts for a few minutes. Growing up in England I also think back to the many football centric songs that were released during the World Cup and other international competitions that promoted peace within the country giving individuals a unifying rally point.

It seems to me that sporting events create “peace” and unity within one group but at the same time can promote the total opposite with the competing side.

The lack of peace can range from heated conversation to violence as you mentioned.

Businesses often use music in advertisements and can use specific songs and melodies to create a positive feeling or instill a sense of pride - examples that come to mind are military recruitment ads and charity advertisements that partner a message with a song to instill a sense of national pride or positive thinking.

Jowan, especially with the 4th of July just having passed, I definitely agree with this comment! It is impossible for me to hear “Independence Day” by Martina McBride without getting a sense of national pride. Even when a brief 5 second clip of the song is featured in a commercial or show, I can’t help but immediately envision scenes of american flags and fireworks.

Hunter, your comment reminds me of a book I read a couple of years ago called “Outcasts United”. The book tells the story of a group of refugee children that used soccer as a way to unify and form bonds after their displacement to Clarkson, GA. The team was incredibly diverse, both among themselves and when compared to the citizens in Georgia. This book really impacted me, and was my first real experience of hearing how sports can break down barriers between different people. Has anyone else read this book? I’d be interested to hear thoughts!!! (hopefully someone else has not commented on this book and I missed it)

In the 2010 World Cup the vuvuzela became a worldwide phenomenon. The World Cup was held in South Africa that year and the vuvuzela is a traditional South African horn…To me, this is a great example of a sporting event exposing local traditions to the world. These types of actions lead to peace building and better understanding of local traditions.

Great comment - something to add is that not only do these musicians build businesses, but these ‘soft’ powers can transform into more concrete platforms of power and sway - like how Taylor Swift got Spotify to change the way they compensate artists, which benefited not only the big players in the industry, but also with countless struggling young artists looking to build their careers.

In addition, many countries view music as a key medium that must be edited to keep the people under their power. I recently watched an episode of “Explained” on Netflix, where they described the culture of K-Pop. For decades, the government would closely monitor the lyrics, allowing only for songs that painted a positive image of the country. This speaks to the power of music to introduce new ideas to generations.

I like this idea, I think one key element that makes this music reflective is that in a memorial setting it’s a major faux pas to distract yourself, with a cell phone or loud conversation with a friend, so I think this leads to a heavier impact on those listening. I agree this kind of music could be beneficial in everyday life for reflection and calming, but only if listeners focus on this concept instead of other distractions.

Interesting back and forth - I agree that music can create negative actions and feelings as easily as it can create peace. I also think it’s important to note that the exact same music can elicit varying emotions among listeners. A call for peace, heard by someone with opposing views, can be a call to war instead.

I agree, and being in business certainly opens our eyes to just how much money and publicity companies get for these actions that indirectly lead to more peace. However, I think music has the opportunity to create peace through opening the minds of listeners - especially when their messages are contrary to the generation before them. If I hadn’t listed to the pop radio when I was younger, I never would have been educated on the plights of other Americans, one I particularly remember being an eye opener was the Black Eyed Peas’ “Where is the Love.” In more recent music, I remember when it was reported that the song “Take me to Church” was actually about the discrimination and fear of the LGBTQ+ in Russia (Blew my mind).Planting that seed of interest regarding these topics is what has led my husband and myself to educate ourselves and become allies and advocates for these groups.

Too adorable! I agree that while we all like different types, music seems to be an important cultural element throughout history by all peoples. I’ve heard that our heartbeat actually connects with the beat and produces a powerful connection between our bodies and music. While I don’t have the full scientific proof, I think everyone has experienced either the euphoria of a rock show or the quiet, calming effect of music at yoga, a spa, the airport, etc. While Disney is probably the most advanced place combining all aspects of the senses, many businesses are studying and utilizing various music to elicit a certain emotion from their consumers.

This is a great discussion - I can see from a legal standpoint that we could not hold an artist or music company liable for something they put out that someone acts on - similar to the Catcher in the Rye debacle. However, I do think it’s prudent to recognize the ways that music and lyrics can indirectly influence the thought patterns of an individual. Since cognitive dissonance is not sustainable, at some point a consumer of music must either disagree with the lyrics and message, or integrate these beliefs into their lives. When music desensitizes someone, especially those under 18, we get a generation that finds it acceptable to use derogatory words for women and people of color, because they hear it a hundred times a day. It’s possible that music has lead to the growth of college party culture - because these songs don’t discuss a casual night in respecting your personal limits, but rather unsafe drinking, illegal actions, and unsafe sex. Since music can be experienced so intimately, right inside your ear, it’s important to recognize the effect these songs have on young and even developed minds.

Great analogy with the NFL, something we always took for granted - almost mindlessly standing and waiting/singing - has suddenly become a point of contention. I’m also thinking of songs meant to unite that elicit anger in those the song is for/directed to. One that comes to mind is the recent “girls” song that Rita Ora and others released. Many applauded their efforts and spoke of the bravery it took to essentially come out for some involved. However, it’s also garnished backlash around the sexualization of lesbians in the media, with many discussing how they feel it further damages bi-sexuality as a party trick. Very interesting to see if it’s the thought that counts in music, or if artists are held to a higher standard, paralleling the discussions we’ve had around the media and their role in the culture

Agreed- Spotify in particular is beginning to showcase small artists based on user preference - whenever a playlist ends of mine and I’m connected to the network it will start to play similar but lesser known music. While I don’t know how their system works, I think it’s a valueble peace making tool to use major artists to help expose newer singers, getting additional values and identities into the public eye.

My experiences with music are very similar sometimes it is the words that hit me other times its the tune or melody that takes me to another place entirely