MY SUMMARY TO DISCUSSION: How can partnerships help business in contributing to peace and stability?
1. For the business partnership models presented, what are the unique strengths? Are these models replicable, and what are the hurdles to replicating?
Business partnership models arising between:-
(1) governments and governments;
(2) governments and multinational businesses;
(3) multinational businesses and local business enterprises;
(4) multinational businesses and communities;
(5) multinational businesses, local businesses and communities; and
(6) multinational businesses (eg. ExxonMobil, Rio Tinto), public or private enterprises and communities and international NGOs (e.g. London Mining Network (LMN) - an alliance of human rights, development and environmental groups that pledge to expose the key role of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, London-based funders and the British Government in the promotion of unacceptable mining projects).
I would like to focus on partnership model (6) as I see it as having the most potential to succeed in dealing with conflict. The unique strength of partnership model (6) is that it empowers external stakeholders (e.g. a community) who are otherwise powerless, through publicizing business irresponsibility thereby swaying public opinion, especially of investors and potential investors. Thus when a multinational is threatened by devestment, etc., it shall be persuaded to exercise business responsibility.
2. Where should the discussion of business partnership models be initiated – is this primarily a management-led issue or a board/governance-led issue? Who could most make positive action happen?
In my considered opinion, the question “Where should the discussion of business partnership model be initiated?” is primarily a Board/governance-led issue. Corporate law lays down clearly the fiduciary duties of directors to the company and its shareholders. Any business partnership that purports to extend duties beyond the company and its shareholders (internal and external) to stakeholders, must necessarily come from the Board. Management can be a pull factor to persuade the Board on the impact of stakeholders (internal and external) on long-term shareholder value and on business sustainability. Positive management action is then possible through engaging in stakeholder management.
3. Does the partnerships described in the presentations reduce risk? Create value? How would a newly hired MBA-graduate who has participated throughout the “Business Fights Poverty” eConference make the pitch for their company to “get on board”?
In the context of this econference “Peace through Commerce”, partnerships are intended to REDUCE RISK OF CONFLICT but whether they do or not depends ultimately on whether businesses embrace such risk as risk to shareholder value and business sustainability since their first corporate duty is to shareholders and not stakeholders.
It is possible to argue that reducing risk of conflict through external stakeholder management creates long-term shareholder value and business sustainability. This attempt at stakeholder management was illustrated by Rio Tinto Response to Business & HR Resource Centre at :
A newly hired MBA-grad who has participated throughout the “Business Fights Poverty” eConference should make the pitch for their company to “get on board” by stressing on : the fact that peace is inextricably linked to long-term shareholder value and business sustainability. The risk of conflict obliges multinational businesses to become good corporate citizens through responsible business and a commitment to peace through commerce. The lesson of ExxonMobil in Acheh, Indonesia is aptly illustrative of this. Please refer to :-
FINALLY, I would like to express my appreciation to the Moderator and Presenters in the conduct of this discussion as well as to my fellow participants for sharing their views and experience. SELAMAT TINGGAL (goodbye in Malaysian language)! If you wish to explore research collaboration, possible investment in a community based tourism model, etc. please contact me at