what are the affluence doing in order to eradicat proverty globally?

i feel each rich individual should try as much as possible to be an industralist.from the perspective view of an industralist,many in the rural areas can be influenced financially,and be equiped morally.IS only a place like Nigeria industralism can’t stride.and is because of her power problem.so i appeal to each investor planing coming to Africa to concentrate on underdeveloped region of the country they are going into.

i would like to say Mr. Tobi has a point there. Poverty can only be eradicated with the concern of the affluence on the less privilege by providing them the necessary resources to boost them out of their misery. For instance it is said where a road passes development follows and so on.Beside investing in the rural sector it is equally worthwhile the industrialist should offer training to less privilege nations to develop entrepreneurs and individuals (yearly) who can help spread the value added to to assist developemt.

thank you so much mr atemnkeng atem kingsley,how i wish their could be rapid action from the affluence.with due respect and regards to mr bill gates and many more that are expanding hands of fellowship to africans,i still want to say africa needs more from more concerned wealth people.as the law of giving say;who ever gives must surely be given back too.
thanks once again and regards to your family.

Dear All,

This is a critical question.If All industrial Corporates behaved morally, then we would have a material chance to wipe out poverty from the face of this world within a generation or two.This is because a large majority of MNCs operating in poor countries are themselves richer than the overall wealth in the countries where they do business.This dramatizes the need for responsibile investments.

The case of Nigeria cited there is even more dramatic.Corruption and Corporate impunity have combined to devastate livelihoods and ruin generations of the citizens of the Niger Delta where oil is mined in massive quiantinties.The Ecology is also another casualty of these excesses.

Yet, instead of enrihing, oil has actually empoverished the Nigerians and engendered conflicts over land and scarce resources and ignited a brutal insurgency that is responsibile for the insecurity all the way to Port Harcourt as well as kidnappings.Besides, it has generated ethnic tensions between the minority ethnic Ijaws and the Tsekeri in Warii region a situation the central government in Abuja is completely unable to tackle.

In this case, the affluent are themselves responsibile for inciting ethnic hate and violence and perpetuating insecurity and that must be stopped.

All oil contracts in Nigeria and elsewhere with such a notorious track record should be re-negotiated and new ones agreed upon with the interests of the people and the environment placed first.

Solomon Mpapale,

a very good morning to you mr solomon,yeah!you have definately articulated well.it’s just so unfurtunate that my country is an irony.imagine been poor on a rich resources,whereas countries like japan,china,just but to mention a few,are exceedingly rich on a poor resources.there’s the saying from asia that goes thus,if one plants a tree,another generation wets it,another generation gets shelter in it.the problem in Nigeria is;poeople planting the tree are the ones wettin it and taking shelter from it.
Nigeria is yet to learn,because countries of the world(developed)are starting looking beyound petroleum.whereas,nigeria is just starting to spend her resevered from excess crude.remember it’s goin to finish and market for petroleum will fall.
how’s the united kingdom today?hope you doing well?regards to the family and all well wishers.