What are the connections between health equity and climate change, and how can businesses play a role?

C. Invest in reforestation, wetlands and coastal habitat restoration and green cities

Nature based solutions:
-Improve physical and mental health and reduce transfer of diseases
-Increase food and water security
-Help mitigate climate change
-Provide jobs

There is the opportunity for business to support nature based solutions in three ways:
-Through buying carbon and nature credits (although real due diligence here needed)
-Through CSR opportunities
-Through influencing supply chains


Another area for business action is to leverage brands and advocacy capacity to raise awareness of the health impacts of climate change and also the unequal experience of these impacts. Health is often overlooked in the climate conversation, both at international and national level (although hopefully there are signs this is changing with COP28 including a day on health).


D. Develop innovation business solutions to help communities and their health systems adapt to climate change

-There are huge opportunities for businesses to develop innovative solutions to help poorer communities manage the impact of climate change
-This includes supporting healthcare systems to adapt as well as supporting agriculture, housing, water and sanitation


E. Support employee health and wellbeing
Businesses will employ individuals at increased risk of the health impacts of climate change

They can promote healthy workplaces- and contribute to improved physical and mental health of their employees

Similarly they can act to influence this across their supply chains


Health is also a really good way to engage people with climate change from my experience


All companies need to be working towards net zero to avoid making the problem even worse. Companies working in the health and energy sectors can invest in circular, low-carbon solutions for the health sector to reduce future emissions and also build resilience e.g. solar energy for hospitals reduces reliance on the grid, which can be unreliable in some settings, and also lowers emissions.


Role of Power purchase agreements here in enabling health systems to purchase renewable energy at scale

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I completely agree! Most of the time, however, companies give healthcare support; I would add bonuses to psychological support.

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Here are my five ways:

Investing in innovation sector : innovation can lead to production of new products, technologies and services that promote healthy equity incorporating climate change. This may include innovation on such sectors like renewable energy, sustainable transport systems, the green infrastructure, and new innovation in the new treatments and therapies that could address health inequalities.

Prioritizing healthy equity and climate change as their core values: Businesses should incorporate healthy equity and climate change in their main operation values such as policy-making and decision-making policies. This can be practiced through the business adopting climate guarding and sustainable operations and investing in sectors that promote health equity like affordable and friendly healthcare, food and nutrition and safe housing.

Businesses setting sustainability goals: this can help businesses to operate minimize the carbon pollution and be able to consider the harmful effects of climate change. Through them setting goals for clean and efficient energy, adopting renewable energy, waste reduction, business reduce the overall impacts of negatives of the practices hence reducing the environment degradation due to the negative climate change effects.

Involvement of the stakeholders : involvement of the key stage holders such as the customers, community, and employees help the businesses identify the needs of the community better. This can help in the development of initiatives that address the health equity issues of the community and climate change in a more conscious and effective way.

Collaboration: business collaborating with other businesses can help firms achieve the health equity and climate change goals. Business can collaborate in sharing ideas, and resources and coming together to tackle issues that are complex and affects the health of the planet and the life in it.

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A few resources to support what I’ve said:


I agree - I think the health perspective makes climate change more personally relevant, and connects the dots between the different types of impact (e.g. increased disease, risk of natural disasters, food scarcity) and how they can stack on top of one another.

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Healthcare providers and suppliers have a particular responsibility as are collectively contributing to climate crisis which also has impacts on health

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First and foremost, much is dependent on the founder/owner of the business and his level of awareness of health equity and climate change, particularly in developing countries. As a result, ongoing public awareness and education about the aforementioned issues is required.
Once inside, some of the most effective approaches are as follows.

1.Adopting sustainable business practices: Businesses can reduce their carbon footprint by implementing sustainable practices such as the use of renewable energy sources or waste reduction. This not only aids in the fight against climate change but also promotes economic growth.
2.Investing in healthcare: This includes employee health insurance, which is lacking in the majority of developing countries. Businesses can also invest in healthcare infrastructure by providing medical facilities, clinics, and hospitals for their employees and the local community. This will contribute to improved health equity and access to basic healthcare services.

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A1. Getting into details, here are how business can put the point I mention before into practice:

Adopt sustainable practices:

  • A company can reduce its carbon footprint by implementing energy-efficient practices in its offices and manufacturing facilities. For instance, a company can invest in renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, or hydropower to reduce its dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
  • Companies can reduce waste by promoting recycling and composting in their offices and factories. For example, a company can establish a waste reduction program and encourage employees to recycle paper, plastic, and other materials.
  • Using eco-friendly products can also help businesses reduce their impact on the environment. For example, a company can switch to biodegradable packaging, reusable bags, and other sustainable products.
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A1. Promote health equity:

  • Businesses can provide access to quality healthcare for all employees, including those in low-income brackets. For instance, a company can offer comprehensive health insurance coverage and access to preventive care services to ensure that all employees have access to healthcare.
  • Supporting healthy lifestyles is another way businesses can promote health equity. A company can provide free gym memberships or sponsor healthy eating programs to encourage employees to adopt healthy habits.
  • Supporting local communities is another way businesses can promote health equity. For example, a company can partner with local organizations to sponsor health clinics, health fairs, or other community events that promote health and wellness. For examples, partnering with local agriculture to have a daily sources of fruit for all employers
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A1. Engage in advocacy:

  • Businesses can lobby for regulations that promote sustainability and health equity. For instance, a company can advocate for policies that support clean energy, carbon pricing, and other measures that help address climate change.
  • Supporting public education campaigns is another way businesses can engage in advocacy. For example, a company can sponsor public awareness campaigns that raise awareness about the impact of climate change on health and promote actions to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Collaborating with policymakers is another way businesses can engage in advocacy. A company can work with elected officials, government agencies, and other stakeholders to promote policies that address climate change and health equity.
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Very true- a focus on scope 3 emissions is particularly important. Also looking at where investments sit

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A1. Collaborate with other stakeholders:

  • Businesses can collaborate with non-profit organizations, community groups, and other stakeholders to address health equity and climate change. For instance, a company can partner with a non-profit organization that focuses on sustainability to sponsor environmental projects in the community.
  • Sharing best practices is another way businesses can collaborate with others. For example, a company can share its experience in adopting sustainable practices with other businesses in the industry to promote best practices.
  • Pooling resources is another way businesses can collaborate with others. For instance, a company can join a coalition of businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to leverage resources and tackle complex sustainability challenges.

Absolutely! And on this point, can you speculate in which countries would a business should invest?
I foresee Africa for sure

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businesses should adopt ways of running with operations at carbon-free energies for a better future in climate

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