What is the role of business in education and training for sustainable development?

Thank you David and everyone. It was my pleasure to be part of this conversation and I hope we continue conversations and collaboration later as well.

Thanks Al - we’ll leave this page up as a record of the discussion for people to view in future, and I’ll ask the team if there’s a way to pull out the text into a single document to share with you.

PRME goals need to be a requirement of the accreditation processes of business schools (and not just AACSB-- most business schools globally do not have AACSB accreditation) this needs to be required at the local level of regulation and policy for education. True change for impoverished communities can only begin when educational initiatives take root at the local/community level. And teaching innovation is a part of it. Due to globalization, technology, demographics, the knowledge economy and the need for environmental sustainability, MBA graduates will need to more effectively manage more volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (the well-known VUCA phenomenon). Today’s VUCA phenomena dominating the networked world markets create the need and demand for MBA programs to train and graduate multiculturally skilled, globally intelligent and adaptive managers. “The traditional paradigm of business schools with its focus on analytical models and reductionism, is not well suited to handle the ambiguity and high rate of change facing many industries today” (Schoemaker, as cited in Thomas & Cornuel, 2012, p. 330).

Thanks to all for a great discussion and David, thanks for the invite.

Thank you David for the invite and panelists for the great discussion. I am of the view that organisational policy stability and coherence is vital to achieve sustainability. Leadership will power and strategy can spearhead education and training for sustainability. Complex challenges require complex solutions. Dialogue between businesses, academic institutions, and the community is critical. In this context there is need to promote courses that foster partnerships for sustainability. At EUCLID University, diplomacy and sustainable development, MBA with sustainable development courses are taught. Theses programs focus on diplomacy, sustainability, UN SDGs and global governance. To institutionalize knowledge management and application, EUCLID University has an affiliated institute(International Organisation for Sustainable Development) which offers practical experiences on Sustainable Development. That which we can not measure, we can not manage hence the power of monitoring and evaluation in the context of business and educational systems interface.

Hi, I’m Nelson from the Philippines. May we call on anyone out there who might be interested to help us prove that the poorest among the poorest sector in our society can become catalyst for the SDG. We intend to turn garbage into toilets with our city scavengers. Together, let’s show them what we learn. Thank you.