

Value Chain ,M4P and PSD Specialist (more than 17 years) having worked in both Southern Africa and Asia with post-conflict experience. I have contributed and shared private sector and entrepreneurship development models in various national and international policy forums and publications, provided advisory services to various pro–poor rural agribusiness enterprises; public private partnership initiatives in South Sudan, Zambia, and Nepal.

Some Breakthroughs:
-Piloted Cardamom Value chain in Nepal supported by SNV and UNDP/GEF Nepal
-Implemented Ultra poor special package programme in Nepal implemented by UNDP/SAPAP Asia/Nepal
-Successful pilot on Gum Acacia Value chain in South Sudan ( SNV )
-Piloted Rice value chain in Zambia (SNV)
-Piloted Biogas program in Zambia(SNV)
-Provided consultancy services on market linkages and BDS services to the innovative project -Jatropha oil for lighting project in Zambia ( SNV)
-Implemented DANIDA funded integrated income generation project in Nepal (MRMG/RIGP)

MBA from TU Nepal MSc in strategic planning from EBS-Heriot Watt University UK and Diploma on BDS service from ILO .
Currently perusing a DBA study from EBS-Heriot Watt UK.