

My core mission is to amplify the positive actions being taken by people who need to be heard.

To do that, I build the resilience and reputation of those who are working for people and planet.

How did I get here?

From integrating sustainability into large-scale music festivals, to tackling plastic waste and advocating for circular economy principles within grassroots organisations and startups, before moving to Amsterdam to develop the research capacities of a Dutch University, while studying for an MSc Environment and Resource Management - my approach is built on the foundations of a near decade long learning journey.

Having personal experience of the challenges faced by people working in this space, I am positioned to elevate your work.

I’m currently working with Business Fights Poverty, a 22,000+ strong community platform. Our focus is on who is doing work in the social impact space, what is working and how.

Contact me if you want to:

My skills: Communications, Editorial, Project Management, Research

My interests: SDGs, Business Purpose, Social Entrepreneurship, Impact and Sustainability, Shared Values approach