Victoria mentioned the “Conflict Lens” that Shell was using - I am not sure if I found the exact tool that she was talking about but I have found something. You can download the whole PDF at…
Below is an extract of the relevant section:
A ‘conflict lens’ requires that all operational decisions (hiring, compensation, security, etc.) should be considered in the light of six questions related to impacts that increase or decrease the likelihood for conflict. In the following framework, these six main questions are supported by examples that can either increase the likelihood of conflict © or the likelihood of stability/peace §.
Conflict lens
1. Rewards destructive (not neccessarily violent) or contructive behaviour?
• Do more peaceful communities get more benefits § than ‘difficult’ ones ©?
• Is there a more immediate response to letters/complaints § or to threats/closedowns ©?
• Are communities visited also informally § or only when there is a need ©?
2. Conveys disrespect, or respect, for stakeholders?
• Do communities perceive that all promises are followed through § or not ©?
• Do stakeholders know about the long-term corporate benefits § or do they feel they benefit more from a short-term approach based on conflict ©?
• Are communities involved in decisions that affect their lives § or not ©?
• Are grievances handled through dialogue § or, ultimately, with security back-up ©?
• Is there maximum transparency about company policies and practices § or not ©?
3. Increases or decreases security (quality of life)?
• Economic: positive § or negative © impact on livelihoods, e.g. due to spills?
• Political: increased § or decreased © conflict over leadership?
• Environmental: decreased § or increased © pollution?
• Environmental: increased § or decreased © availability of scarce resources?
• Physical: increased safety § or increased criminality or insecurity ©?
• Social/cultural/psychological: increased § or decreased © capacity of local people to deal with changing norms and values (e.g. prostitution, alcoholism, migration)?
4. Contributes to inter-group fragmentation or cohesion?
• Are benefits distributed in an inclusive § or exclusive © manner (e.g. host communities)?
• Is the hiring policy seen as fair § or seen as favouring certain groups ©?
• Does the company know that community representatives enjoy popular support § or not ©?
• Do all land owners/users receive the same level of compensation § or do the more vocal or powerful ones receive more ©?
5. Increases or decreases the capacity/willingness of authorities to provide services?
• Does the company effectively lobby to have social services provided § (e.g. through a tripartite partnership approach) or does it effectively substitute for government services ©?
6. Increases or decreases the capacity of the authorities to commit violence?
• Do authorities use revenues for civil purposes § or for warfare ©?
• Does the company abstain from (materially) supporting one party to the conflict § or not ©?
If answer to any question is © redesign relevant operational policy or procedure