Business Fights Poverty Online 2020: Auditorium 2


Welcome to Virtual Auditorium 2 at Business Fights Poverty Online 2020. This is where we’ll be hosting our online written discussions:

  • Monday 13 July, 3.15 - 4.15 pm BST / 10.15 - 11.15 am EDT: “What social indicators should purpose-driven businesses be measuring?” You can post your comments at any time. Click here to join the discussion.

  • Tuesday 14 July, 2.00 - 3.00 pm BST / 9.00 - 10,00 am EDT: “What do win-win business models that work for businesses and workers look like and how can we make them the new normal?” You can post your comments at any time. Click here to join the discussion.

We look forward to you joining the conversation!