Live Panel
Tuesday 14th July 2020, 2pm -3pm BST
- Sarah Bratton, Head of Sustainability, North America, Schroders
- Davide Fiedler, Manager, Social Impact, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Neil Gaught, Author, CORE: How a Single Organizing Idea Can Change Business For Good
- Amalia Johnsson, Head of Programmes, Hand in Hand International
- Samantha Lacey, Job Quality Lead, CDC Group
- Flynn Lebus, Gender Equity Practice Co-Lead, FSG
- Ashleigh Owens, Senior Advisor, Shift Project
- Eleanor Paton, Senior Policy Officer, The International Rescue Committee
- Matt Ripley, Chief Technical Adviser, International Labour Organization
- Wingham Rowan, Founder and Chief Exec., MM4A non-profit Ltd.
- Merten Sievers, Value Chain Development and Entrepreneurship Coordinator, International Labour Organization
- Alison Ward, CEO, CottonConnect
- Richard Gilbert, Senior Adviser, Business Fights Poverty
Building back better by mainstreaming “win-win” business models that work for lead firms and workers
As consensus builds around the need to “build back better” post-COVID-19, a priority for businesses and policy makers is to accelerate changes to business models to ensure economic value is more equitably distributed with workers and they do more to drive decent work outcomes.
Making decent work outcomes more integral to business models can deliver change for workers in three key areas:
Job security - generating secure and quality jobs, i.e. predicted [MR2] hours and social security coverage.
Equality - supporting equal opportunities and treatment, and worker voice.
Health and well-being - promoting a safe work environment, worker development and well-being, i.e. work life balance.
Business Fights Poverty has joined forces with ILO to identify good examples of business models for decent work that create commercial value for a lead firm while driving decent work outcomes for workers. Both organisations are seeking to better understand what business models for decent work look like, what challenges lead firms face in scaling them up and how to mainstream them across the core business and value chains. Examples and learnings will be consolidated into a short, practical guide for lead firms and their development partners.
This online written discussion will be structured around the following three questions:
What are some good examples of business models that create commercial value for lead firms while driving better job security, equality, health and well-being for workers?
What are some of the challenges lead firms face in promoting business models for decent work?
How can we overcome these challenges and mainstream business models for decent work? What are the key leverage points within lead companies and in the policy environment to enable business models for decent work to scale?
This is a text-based discussion. There will be no video or audio. Please post your comments below. After the live session, this discussion will remain open, so please do continue to share your insights. To receive a free summary of this discussion afterwards, register here
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