Intrapreneur, or not, spending 40+ hours as an employee surrounded by people who have different personalities, different ways of sharing feedback, different ideas about what it means to be professional, etc can be mentally tough, emotionally draining, and may even have you day-dreaming about working at the company across the street where everyone appears to be spending their 40+ hours smiling, laughing, and giving each other high-fives.
If you’re an intrapreneur, add to this the fact that you’re working on a project that may be meeting significant resistance from colleagues entrenched in the system and leaders who don’t really get its value, and don’t care to either.
At The League of Intrapreneurs, we’ve seen so many intrapreneurs suffer in silence. Internal corporate cultures haven’t yet given people permission to speak openly about how events at work are impacting their employees personally. Therefore support for employees has been minimal.
This is how come we've dedicated one of our Cubicle Warrior Tools to Fostering Personal Resilience. Read this free tool and you’ll learn tips and tricks used by successful social intrapreneurs on how they learn to not only survive, but thrive inside their companies.
What they've done is adopt strategies that give them the mental, emotional, and physical strength needed to handle challenging events in productive ways. They've learned to bounce back quickly.
It’s time we bring more attention to this issue. Too many intrapreneurs are giving up their missions to drive positive change from the inside out. We are thankful to Business Fights Poverty for giving us the fantastic forum to speak openly about the challenges we face, and the strategies we can adopt in order to strengthen our personal resilience.
Here are a few questions to help get our conversation started. We look forward to learning from your experience and wisdom.
- What does resilience mean to you?
- How come resilience is so important for intrapreneurs?
- What is your secret to staying resilient?
- What resilience strategy have you learned from someone you admire?
This Intrapreneurship Clinic is the fourth in a 5-part series with the League of Intrapreneurs. In each Clinic, members of Business Fights Poverty will have the opportunity to engage with the authors of the new Cubicle Warriors Toolkit, and other invited panelists. Each time, we will focus on a different element of the Tooklit.
Visit previous Intrapreneurship Clinics - on Making the Business Case for Social Innovation (, Navigating the Politics of Your Corporate Ecosystem ( and How can we rally communities of support for game-changing innovation? (
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